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California Transparency in Supply Chains Act And UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 and the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 require certain businesses to provide public disclosures regarding efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains.

At Canon Medical, we strive to conduct our activities in a manner that reflects our Mission and Code of Conduct – which includes being a good corporate citizen, dealing fairly in business, behaving ethically, upholding human rights, supporting a safe and healthy workplace, doing business in an environmentally responsible manner, and complying with applicable law. We’re committed to ensuring that our supply chain reflects our values and beliefs.

We aim to be a positive social presence in every community where we work. We promote basic human rights by following applicable local labor laws, and we do not allow child or forced labor by our company, our vendors, or our suppliers. We also follow all applicable wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, and maximum-hours rules.

We have recently established the various controls that will address various regulatory compliance issues related to our supply base. These include the requirements of both the UK Modern Slavery Act and California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

Canon Medical has released its Supplier Code of Conduct that prohibits the use of slavery and human trafficking in Canon Medical’s facilities and by suppliers in Canon Medical’s supply chain. Canon Medical developed its Supplier Code of Conduct to set expectations for the social, environmental, and business conduct of our suppliers.

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